
i miss those times ;(

saturday - 22 maret 2008

fiuhh. sialan gw ditinggal ke bogor! arrgh pgen bgdd ;( kangen dh jalan2 pagi jogging di kebun raya bogor. sejuk BGD! dan gk sesek orang pastinya.. haah sayangnya harus ke monser *sman 1 serpong buat opening-ceremony cupp mereka. jeilah habis kasian myrna sendirian.. tega amadd gw *yaudh temenin ajaa lah :) dan tahukah apa? yg ada kita cm djemur bramai2 di tengah lapp *katanya dia matahari pagi sehat [yeah whatever lah..gk asiks bgdd itu mc]
intinya yg menarik disana cm tari saman mereka. i may say "imppresive!" hehe

JADILAH akhirnyaa..
10 : 00 am - udaa nampang di rumah dan KOSONG-SEPI-MELOMPONG! hahahaa.
cm adaa si mbak.. yaudh ngobb2 ketawa-ketiwi ajaa sm dia. trus minta tolong beliin pempek *hahaa gw addicted bgdd sm pempek! parah.. sayangnya yg jual es kelapa muda blum buka. jd temen makan pempeknya harus aqua hehe.
sambil nonton apaa yaa kmaren? ohh "MEET THE FOCKERS.."
*what a stupidd plus entertaining movie! hahaha but love it!
next! udaa selese makan nonton segala macem. bosaaaan! :( btw my close friend of mine CHIKA was having her birthday day! hahaa. happy birthday dear.. okee then bosan kembali menyerang :( haaah*
A K H I R N Y A ? ? ?
tlv pacar lah ujung2nyaa.. hehehe. yaudh tlv2 lalalalaaaa *gtau dh udaa berapa lama trus akhirnya pindah posisi ke kamar atas [cat : masih tlv! bwahaha] and then..i looked at all the photo albums in the drawer. omigodd.. and then i cried *untung cwok gw gk denger hehe. really2 cried without any voices *gmn cobaa caranya? hahaa. pkoknya kemaren bisa lah! kangen bgdd dh sama semuanya..
sama surabaya. sama sepupu2 yg jg masih kecil. sama nenek. sama sejuknya dunia. sama semua tawa-tanpa-beban. sama semua senyum lepas-penuh ekspresi. MISS IT ALL..
kalo diliat2 muka jaman kecil sama sekarang gk jauh beda emang hehe. tp rasanya damai bgdd ngeliat voto jaman kecil *lepas bgdd.. haah feels great! :)
intinya pgen sekali2 jd anak kecil yg tanpa beban yg bisa lari-ketawa-lepas di rumah surabaya sanaa..di jakarta sama tetangga aja suka gk kenal. dulu dari ujung ke ujung jg kenal *kalo ilang-kalo bandel ketauan! hehe. sama sepupu2 jg deket bgd..gandeng-peluk sana-sini [ps:bukan berarti gw minta dipeluk!] tp bisa akrabb bgdd kaya gt. skrg plg ngumpul2 sama yg seumuran2 gt.. huff*
but heyy i had those times once..
and the life i'm having not-bad really ;)
just miss my childhood.. apalagi gk inget semuanyaa :(


michelle - the beatles

Michelle, ma belle.
These are words that go together well, my Michelle.
Michelle, ma belle.
Sont les mots qui vont très bien ensemble, très bien ensemble.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
That's all I want to say.
Until I find a wayI will say the only words I know that you'll understand.
Michelle, ma belle.
Sont les mots qui vont très bien ensemble, très bien ensemble.
I need to, I need to, I need to.
I need to make you see, oh what you mean to me.
Until I do I'm hoping you will know what I mean.
I love you.
I want you, I want you, I want you.
I think you know by nowI'll get to you somehow.
Until I do I'm telling you so you'll understand.
Michelle, ma belle.
Sont les mots qui vont très bien ensemble, très bien ensemble.
I will say the only words I know that you'll understand, my Michelle.

s t u p i d *

td lagi di jalan pulang nih..
cloudy sky-grey-no birds-no butterfly *apaa sih ini?
duduk di belakang panther hijau which is anterjemput gw.
di depan gw sebuah bola hehhee maav felix. tp sumpah dia tidurny sambil nunduk jd b u l e t bgdd xp kocak dh *ketawa2 ngeliatin itu anak tidur..
untung aja dia gk tiba2 bangun-nggap gw lg ngtawain dia hehe,
so gw nengok ke luar..
pas udaa jauhan gt ada 3 anak kecil cowok lg jalan di pinggir cekakak-cekekek cengar-cengir SUDDENLY salah satu anak baju cokelat tua *gw inget bgdd! tiba2 sambil ketawa lari2 ke tengah stelah nengok ke belakang.. trus TIDURAN di tengah jalan! bego-bego-bego-bego.
trus dari belakang gt - gw yakin dia udah tau kalo ada BUS KUNING SGEDE GAJAH lg nglaju makin cepet ke arah dia! yg gw gk tahan th mukaany yg tenang2 ajaa trus bgitu udaa deket baru berdiri ngabur..


brain suggestion

first of all - this wont ain't gonna tell about me. hehe. i have friends.. many.
now i'm talking about this one-sweet-nice girl. dia baik bgdd.. ramah. trus gk itung2an bgdd sama temen2nya. just say *even if you dont know her but you look at her eyes-you know how nice she is :) great right? hahaa. i wish i have that face that eyes *in case tatapan mata gw tajem bgdd kata semua orang.
anyway dia gk pede. well but she definitely still has more confident than i do.
hehe. she's sweet..typical indonesian face : this means flattery. one thing she thinks as a prob "i ain't skinny.." - and i laugh out loud first time she said that.
well gk mau muna sih *gw juga suka ribut kalo menurut gw badan gw mggendut! hahaa cmon' it's normal :) but then itu jd alasan dia buat selalu gk pede ngadepin.. COWOK! ohh my dia berani sm preman sm truk - sm pocong masih takut sih - tp dia jd gagap kalo di depan cowok yang dia suka. suka beneran. haah soo then i'm talking about inner beauty blablablaa *a true man wont love your body right? gw malah pengen bgdd punya cowok yg sayang sm gw gk cuma secara muka tp otak and behave first. cowok gw yg sekarang iyaa gk yaap? hahaa i'll ask! :) soo anyway.. one day - i asked thing 'thing' to my dad. he said,"yaa gkmau munafik jugalah yaa. kalo kmu ketemu orang yg diliat pertama kali kn muka. kalo menarik kn baru mau kenal lebih jauh." i got the point tp gk terima. my dad kept going on ,"kalo mau jujur..siapa mau punya pacar jelek?"
-kriik kriik kriik-
iaa sih i know. but at least judgingnya jangan disana dulu dums. soo i ask this friend of mine to be as hersefl-but still behave and let this guy judges himself! well sjauh ini sih.. at least-this guy has looked more intention to her :) yang penting bukan dia tiba2 langsung suka kn. tp bhwa dia nyaman bareng2 sama lo and find how interesting you are hehe. sugesti dia ke otaknya adalah bahwa dngan curves seperti itu adalah jauh tdk mungkin buat bareng sm 'the guy of her dream' heyy cmon' *dont put yourself down for someone you adore.. apalagi she used to have soo much confident :) sugesti itu yg ngeberatin kepalanya!

another story

one of my besties :) she has this neverending routines. courses. pysics math chemistry english course. four times a week *imagine that. someone could gone mad because of that too many numbers in the brain hehe.. the point is - she stressed out. all her thoughts filled by numbers and school. all up together - neverend in her brain. haah. i found - at last the reason. all those courses all those time she spent to study was useless. meaningless. because all *at last she covered by this suggestion.. sugesti ke otaknya. by who? yaa dia sendiri. but it was definitely negative. dan jelas2 sudah untuk waktu yg benar2 lamaa.. karna jd kaya bermuara disana dan gk bisa ilang *sekalipun semua temennya udaa bilang KMU PASTI BISA. haah. mestinya otaknya dicuci dulu biar bersih lg. soo i pushed her-not just asked her to really agreed her mom and met the psychologist. cuma supaya semua sugesti-gk-penting dan SALAH itu berhenti.
please stop giving your brain bad suggestion.


to my platform

hai all :) huaah this is the first time i've ever made and even have a blog.
first of all i'm senior highschool girl-somewhere outside jakarta...
i love to write to sing to laugh to dance to be silent in a time.
i love to know to met new people new things. so i'm here at last-with this blog.
au revoir for now. enjoy! :)