i love children!
as always..
apa yaa? aduh rasanya kalo liat muka polos mereka, ceria mereka segimanapun kondisi hidup mereka *it's God's magic bgd..
waktu itu gw pernah ke panti asuhan gt. jauh dari rumah seh
di bekasi. tdnya gw kira depok! *goblog dasar hahaha. soo there was me..
and the fourth of my friends :) kita sebenernya ke sana buat tugas agama.
well in case of that kita memutuskan buat pergi ke panti asuhan.
it was soo not a big shaltered place. beda sama yg di bsd atau di jakarta pinggir jalan yang gede2 dengan segala macam fasilitas-ah sometimes i hate that kind of shaltered. mereka suka sombong dan anaknya diurus seenaknya gk pake hati!
h a t e t h e m . .
panti asuhan yg gw datengin itu di pelosok BGD sumpah.
dengan jalan yg masih tanah merah di desa entah apa namanya sampe kita pun pake nyasar! hahaha. itu panti asuhan dari yayasan gereja gitu ;) tapi gk terlalu besar. to be honest - it was just a home. yeapp! a very bad home to live in.
miris bgd waktu ngeliatnya pertama kali.
that house remind me of my grandma's home back in surabaya *ukurannya sebesar itu lah kira-kira. tahu apa bedanya? di panti asuhan ini temboknya udaa lusuh dan lapuk, gentengnya dari atas bolong sana-sini, kotor, nggak terawat. sementara mereka berduapuluh *hampir 30 malah! tinggal di situ satu rumah. dari yang paling muda sampai yg paling tua. and the surrprising part! mereka cm punya 2 kamar tidur. it was all sad.. rasanya pengen nangis. ngrasa gk fair banget buat anak2 itu.. soo i was there with my friends - hug them cheer them up! as we were part of them for soo long.
waktu itu kita cuma bawa j.co. hahaha dasar anak sma miskin bokek tekor ;p
tapi mau tau sesuatu? their face were soo soo *ah gilaa sampe bingung mau gmn mendeskripsiinnya. soo thankful face with neverending cheers. ngeliatnya aja bikin bahagia sumpah! gosh they're all like angels ;)
waktu itu ada anak yang masih balyi sergio *reminds me sm si cowok ganteng di telenovela "marimar" hahaha. jd dia gk bisa makan sendiri, disuapin sm suster pengasuhnya. nah ada lg si anak balita *ah lupa namanya..si cowok bandel yg hobi MANJAT DIMANA2! dari gw dateng dia udah nggelayutin kayu - yaampun gw takut bgd dia jatoh! soo i was fed him. hehe nyuapin, ngejar dia kemana2. sumpah dia gk cerewet tp banyak tingkah! hahaha. but it was great it was fun..
i miss those times ;)
ada lagi gadis kecil yg sangat attractive ; angel *as my bestfriend's name.
dia keliatan baik hati dan kuat bgd. tegar. i love her face. dia nyisirin rambut gw, dikepangin, she loves to hear me sing. oia jd disana gw sama sammy -temen gw yang cowok nyanyi2 gt buat mereka. mereka seneeeeng bgd *minta diulang terus! apalagi lagu EDELWEISS from the sound of music.
edelweiss, edelweiss.. every morning you greet me.
small and white, clean and bright. you look happy to meet me. etc
haah miss them soo. ada disana satu anak seumuran gw namanya nia. but she was soo self-centered. gmau share atau gantian cerita sm adek2nya yg lain. and she kept on tell us about HER! well maklum sih karna pasti dia kesepian gk punya teen seumurnya untuk cerita ;) but at least gt.. kasian yg lain. apalagi dua cowok yang gw pangku kanan-kiri ngebet banget buat cerita. ada satu cowok putih -kaya bule gt *gw rasa dia anak gk sengaja trus dia dari awal yg ikut bareng gw ajaa.. nah gara2 nia gk berhenti nyrocos sementara dia gk pernah kbagian, dia pergi.. kasihan dh. haah maav yaa sayang..
ada lagi namanya apri! mau jd abri! hahahaha *cocok yaa..
gosh mereka semua punya banyak mimpi dan cita2. mereka semua kaya tumbuh dlm suasana yg sangat terlindung dan gktau sejahat apa dunia luar. they're great children ;) i love them esp angel hehe. ada lg yang namanya sheryl *sumpah dia pinter bgd.
yang gw gksuka bahwa mereka dibesarkan di perkampungan yg sangat percaya mitos dan dunia lain! aargh mereka suka main setan dimana2. masaoloh*
well kaya angel gt sih nggak. dan dia salah satu yang gk pernah takut. imannya paling kuat. hahahaha kangen bgd dh..
when will i see you guys again? ....
little girl ;)
posted by ; zsupermara di 16:03 0 komentar
my little sister..
to be honest.. it's kinda embarrassing to tell you all about this *actually-hahaha. but anyway i find it precious to at last share something about my little sister.
i have one little sister. a girl. i'm the oldest here! *haah old ;(
we kinda separated far by age - about 5 years. i find it too far for the last three years.
she is soo unlike me hahaha. bad..
i was born from a two different world. my dad has the cold-blooded heir of dutch-colonialism : to be true-i'm still the heir of director jenderal hindia-belanda *wow hahaha. and my mam just a javanese.
soo here i am. with my father's blood.. "bule.." - as indonesian's said.
my sister? omigod she is soo indonesia. with that black-round-big eye and dark beautiful hair.
she has this kind of exsotic face. photogenic.
she is not skinny *she LOVES to eat - soo much! esp sweets.
as people passing by - they might say that the person whose supposed to be more jealous between us is my sister *upon me. and yet - they're all WRONG.
all this time i've being the more-jelousy girl. i'm older but at this time i'm soo acting like little girl
*hate that actually. what a jerk.. hehe.
that was about last year.
this is the part that i called EMBARASSING!
soo as usual-though me my sister and my mam are muslims *in case my dad is catholic - we celebrate christmas! ;) my sister still believe the old santa.. hahaa. and also the tooth fairy! and she is eleven years old already hahaa. guess who's the tooth fairy? ME! hehe.
well, back to the tpoic! she wrote this letter to santa - which then will be read by my own dad.
i found a letter in my sister's drawer. for santa.
in her letter, she was telling NOTHING about a thing for her christmas present. no-nothing.
all i see just words of prayer.. for who? firstly not for her. for mom dad me-as her sister and the world! the world?! when i was her age - i wont pray for the world. nopp! and yet that's actually what she's done. it was amazing. to be honest - when i read the letter, i was crying.
a s h a m e d .
my sister is a smart generous and a loveable little girl ;)
now i'm turning 16 and from this year i just realize that it was nothing i could suppose to be jealous of. i should took that as a way to change better. soo still i can be a big-old sister my little sister see as an example. i do love her ;)
posted by ; zsupermara di 19:21 0 komentar